NPD stands for New Product Development. New Product Development is an innovative approach to creating and launching products that meet market needs and drive business growth. Creating and testing new products with ingredients, recipes, techniques, packaging are just a few of the things that can be tested. NPD is all about bringing a new product to the market.
There are a few ways in order to develop new products such as the following:
1. Through market research (online)
2. Through customer feedback on current product (recipe, packaging etc.)
3. Through customer requests
4. Through production of current products
In the food industry, there are many ways to innovate. Some changes are small, such as tinkering with recipes, to larger changes, such as replacing product packaging. Here at Ekofood we are not afraid to make trial runs in our production lines in order to correct any potential errors that can arise. Also, all requested samples are prepared by hand with the assurance that the product can be made in the production line(s).